Thursday, September 17, 2009


Welcome to the Prayer Thoughts blog, by Steve Hemphill.

This site is dedicated to the study and thoughtful consideration of and meditation on the Bible, God’s Holy word.

I believe the Bible is the literal, inerrant word of God. I believe Jesus is the only way to heaven. I believe in baptism and the Lord’s Supper.

I am focused on the evaluation of scripture in light the major themes in scripture: What does the verse or passage teach about God, spiritual warfare, prophecy, heaven, creation vs. evolution, the literal nature of scripture, and about our covenant with God. If we can’t trust God to reveal truth in Genesis 1, when can we trust Him? For easy reference, throughout the exploration of each Bible passage, I will use the following colors to discuss insights in these important, specific categories:

Insights about God will be in black.

Insights about baptism will be in purple.

Insights about our covenant with God in brown.

Insights about spiritual warfare & sin will be in red.

Insights about prophecy will be in green.

Insights about heaven will be in blue.

Insights about creation & evolution will be in orange.

Insights about women in scripture will be in grey.

Insights about the literal nature of scripture in burgundy.

Thanks for visiting. Keep praying, keep studying, and keep reading God’s word. The benefits are enormous. In fact, they’re eternal. Your Servant, Steve.

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My search for the Real Heaven
Experience my search through the Bible for the truth about heaven.

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