Friday, May 21, 2010

Be Strengthened and Encouraged, Because God's Hand is On You!

Ezra 7:28 "And Who has extended His mercy and steadfast love to me before the king, his counselors, and all the king's mighty officers. I was strengthened and encouraged, for the hand of the Lord my God was upon me, and I gathered together outstanding men of Israel to go with me to Jerusalem."  AMP

Do you feel week and discouraged?  Everyone does at one time or another.  Be encouraged that God is in control and knows what's best.  Be strengthened by the knowledge that nothing happens without His permission.  Have faith that He still loves you--in spite of the difficult circumstances you currently face.  Be patient as you wait for the deliverance from Him that's sure to come.  Continue to hope in His promises, and rest assured--He always delivers.  He loves you.  More than you can ever know.

And smile.  It makes you more attractive.

Your Servant,


Steve is author of a book featuring an in-depth study of heaven called, "My search for the Real Heaven." It's available @ Tate, Barnes &,, and on His web site.

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