Tuesday, June 8, 2010

God Is Working His Plan Through You

As Job was discussing his own plight and circumstances with his friends, he makes a stunning statement revealing his commitment to God and God's power over his life and circumstances:

"He'll complete in detail what he's decided about me, and whatever else he determines to do." Job 23:14 The Message

God has a detailed plan for you and your life.  You were created for good works:

"For we are God's [own] handiwork (His workmanship), recreated in Christ Jesus, [born anew] that we may do those good works which God predestined (planned beforehand) for us [taking paths which He prepared ahead of time], that we should walk in them [living the good life which He prearranged and made ready for us to live]."  Ephesians 2:10 AMP

You have a specific and unique kingdom purpose and destiny.  Find your gifts, and use them for God.

Lord, open my eyes to my own gifts; then give me strength to attack my tasks with great enthusiasm.  Help me to fulfill my kingdom destiny--to Your glory.  In Jesus Name, Amen.

Steve is author of a book featuring an in-depth study of heaven called, "My search for the Real Heaven." It's available @ Amazon.com and on His www.PrayerThoughts.com web site.

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