Wednesday, June 2, 2010

The Importance of the Tribe of Benjamin

"In the fortress of Susa there was a Jew from the tribe of Benjamin named Mordecai. He was the son of Jair, the grandson of Shimei, and the great-grandson of Kish."  Esther 2:5 GWT

The tribe of Benjamin had almost been wiped out (Judges 20:46-47).  Yet God made sure some remained.  Why?  What did it matter?  

If Mordecai was from the tribe of Benjamin, then Esther was, too.  These two prevented the wholesale slaughter of the Jews, and this is still celebrated today (Purim).  

Another important person from this tribe is ... Paul.  Paul wrote the majority of the New Testament.  I'd say it was important for the tribe of Benjamin to survive, wouldn't you?  

Lord, thank You for preserving those who are important in the big scheme of things to the spread of the kingdom.  Help me to be instrumental in that spread.  Show me what to do for the kingdom today.  In Jesus Name, Amen.  

Steve is author of a book featuring an in-depth study of heaven called, "My search for the Real Heaven." It's available @ and on His web site.

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