Monday, June 7, 2010

Faith in the Face of Ferocious, Fantastic, Flagrant Suffering

In the middle of his horrific trial, Job held on to his faith in God's master plan:

"But He knows the way that I take [He has concern for it, appreciates, and pays attention to it]. When He has tried me, I shall come forth as refined gold [pure and luminous]."  Job 23:10 AMP

Wow.  What faith.  What devotion.  What submission to God's purpose--even in the greatest of suffering.

Lord, help me to have the faith of Job as I face my own trials and suffering.  Remind me that Your eternal purposes and rewards with far outweigh any temporary pain and inconvenience I am currently experiencing.  Show me what to do for the kingdom today; lead me each step of the way.

Steve is author of a book featuring an in-depth study of heaven called, "My search for the Real Heaven." It's available @ and on His web site.

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