Sunday, October 4, 2009

7. Always Consult God

“When the Philistines heard that David had been anointed king over all Israel, they mobilized all their forces to capture him. But David was told they were coming, so he and his men marched out to meet them. The Philistines had arrived in the valley of Rephaim and raided it. So David asked God, Should I go out to fight the Philistines? Will you hand them over to me?”

1 Chronicles 14:8-10 NLT

God gave David a great victory over Goliath the Philistine. Odds were against him. He was inferior in size, strength, and experience. But David had God. But did this mean that every time the Philistines posed a threat that David automatically assumed a Divine Mandate from God gave him assurance of victory in battle? No. Even though he had just become king, David asked God what to do. So should you.

God wants you to get in the habit of consulting Him in all things.

God always wants His covenant partners to seek His direction.

Satan wants you to think that God already approves of what you want to do.

God wants you to seek His advice in daily decisions of life.

Heaven knows the future, and offers direction that’s in your own best interest.

God literally wants you to get in the habit of consulting Him regularly.

Lord, remind me to always consult You before making the final decision. Don’t let me be deceived into thinking I automatically have Your approval for whatever I want to do. In Jesus Name, Amen.

Steve is author of a book featuring an in-depth study of heaven called, "My search for the Real Heaven." It's available @ and on His web site.

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